Handling unkind comments

by Jotter girl on March 21, 2011


As someone who writes on a public platform, I understand that negative comments are just part of blogging.  Not everyone will agree with my opinion or think what I’ve written is funny or even appropriate for that matter.

I have been lucky enough so far that my readers have been supportive and encouraging.  This feeling changed for me this morning when I saw the following comment.

It shouldn’t be hard to realize that, dear. It’s infantile to fail to realize it. Grow up.

Now mind you this was not a reaction to an opinion I had written nor was it a comment on one of my observations.  These unkind remarks were made about a poem I had written over the weekend using the weekly Magpie Tales prompt.  I truly wonder what sort of person would write such an insensitive comment about a poem… especially in a forum where writers gather to support one another.

How would you handle unkind comments?

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