Back in 2006, I began a painting and named it Ivy.
And then I stopped.
Life got in the way and my racing greyhound sat waiting for another day….month….year.
Fast forward to July 2011. Ivy was still waiting for her chance to shine and I continued to put her off as I had for the last 5 years. She dutifully held her position leaning against the wall in the corner of my art studio while I worked, wrote, knit and drew other things. It was my friend “Rabbit” who inspired my reunion with Ivy.
Rabbit is a creative soul. He writes, doodles, cleverly sasses, paints and draws every day. Every day.
I find this especially inspiring because my dear Rabbit is sick. While none of us know how long we have on this earth, Rabbit knows his time is shorter and less secure. HIV/Aids clouds his world yet he chooses to spend his time creating beautiful art of all types, writing sassy-mouthed comments using his wicked sense of humor and neatly tying it all together on his website.
I have been deeply touched by this man with whom, at first glance, I have very little in common with. We come from very different places but have connected non the less. His story and example inspired me to ask myself, “What am I waiting for?” . So a few weeks ago, pulled Ivy out of the corner and reconnected.
I painted almost daily until she was done.
Thank you Rabbit for giving me back to Ivy.
P.S. Rabbit and I are working on an interview which will become a future post.