30 Second Story.......Add me to the binder please

Barwāla Bernice and Judy were dedicated Democrats and could be seen each Election Day toting around their donkeys in support.  Always on the look out for husbands, the ladies recently heard about the Republican Binder Full of Women and immediately contacted Democratic headquarters.  If President Harry S. Truman had a binder too, then they wanted to be in on it.



P.S. My very hilarious friend J.P. had this to say about the girls…

“the exciting thing is that both women eventually made their way into Truman’s binder on the merit of their magnificent asses.”

Vintage Roll Call......Pammy

Pammy is a tattle tale, plain and simple.  At night she pulls out the notebook from under her bed to tally up who did what.  So far, her classmate Nancy Iverson has the most notations.  Missing homework, mismatched socks and passing notes are just a few of Nancy’s offenses.

The new camera which Pammy received for her birthday, is more for collecting evidence than for the love of photography, as she told her parents.  Nancy Iverson had better watch out.

Pammy will most likely grow up to be a paparazzi.

30 Second Story….The August Brothers 1930

Earlier this morning, Mother set out two suits for Peter and Hank to wear for Sunday dinner at Aunt Kate’s.  After the coin flip and then a scuffle, it was Peter who was less than pleased by his option.

Farmsen-Berne 30 Second Stories will be a regular feature here at Jotter Girl.  I will delve in to my collection of old snapshots from long ago and then add my own mini story.  The photographs used in 30 second stories, are images that I have collected from flea markets and antique shows and do not represent anyone I am related to.  I hope you enjoy!