30 Second Story......The man from Mars

buy Pregabalin in mexico For newlyweds Amy and Clark, it was the perfect day for a stroll along the boardwalk.  When they happened to run into Amy’s old boyfriend Louis, things seemed a bit awkward until Louis kindly offered to take their photo.  When Louis kept telling them to move a little more to their right, they had no idea why, but did as they were told.  “Click” went the camera and he bid them goodbye mumbling something about Amy marrying a Martian.  It wasn’t until two weeks later when the film was finally developed that they knew what he meant.

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30 Second Story.......Appropriate tea party attire

Lester had been attending the secret afternoon tea parties for quite a while now.  Neither Bea nor Margaret seemed to mind that he would arrive in his business suit but quickly change into a lovely floral skirt.   Today, when Bea’s husband came home unexpectedly from work, Lester breathed a sigh of relief that he was seated at the table.


30 Second Story.......Daddy the dog

Mother and Emily knew that Daddy had packed up and left, but baby Dennis was none the wiser.

30 Second Story......Seats for Tommy and Joey

As the children ran out to the garden, Billy hurried over to the bench and saved seats for his two pals the only way he knew how.
























30 Second Story.....Be careful what you wish for

When 48 year old Jack looked proudly at his new car and whispered to himself, “I wish I was young again.”,  he never expected this.